Sunday, June 5, 2011

Get a Brain, Morans

So I was perusing Facebook, one of my few late-night hobbies, when I saw someone post something like, "Drunk on the strip. smh."

SMH stands for "So Much Hate", something Twitter users came up with to use when they felt they were being disrespected or given a raw deal somehow. A more appropriate use of SMH would have been, " Now everyone fucking uses it as a generic self-stamp of approval on any Twitter or Facebook post, probably as a way to let everyone know that they're savvy and hip when it comes to the social media. It's fucking ridiculous. Stop it. Also stop using LOL. It's so 1997 to still be using something that is basically a lie 99% of the time it's used.

Also, one more word on Twitter. When I first signed up, I added every athlete and celebrity I could think of. I followed hundreds of them, many of the college athletes, because I never went away to school and I thought it might be interesting to see what some of them had to say about the college experience. What I found was not only did they not have anything interesting to say, it also seemed that college was having absolutely zero educational effect on any of them. Constant misspelled words, everyone talked like they were a junkie or gangster, and nothing ever made any goddamn sense. So now my Twitter feed is comprised of politicians and sports writers, and other educated, interesting people.

I really wish there was someone out there who could write a piece of software that didn't allow gibberish and nonsensical Twitter/Facebook posts, and actually force users to write complete thoughts. I also wish the person was an asshole like me, because if you decided to compose some nonsense to share with the masses, the prompt would surely say, "Your post doesn't make any fucking sense. Please re-write it so people can understand what the hell you're saying. And if you put SMH at the end, we will immediately cancel you goddamn account."